Monday, April 21, 2008

What do you want to incorporate in your phone?

Mobile phone has evolved tremendously. Now you have camera phones, music phones, gaming phones, smartphones and multimedia phones. And there are phones of varying designs, colours, shapes and sizes. What do you look for in a mobile phone?
DO you remember your first mobile phone? Mine was just a simple phone capable of making and receiving calls and messages during a time when you could only send a message to a person who is only on the same network. Since then, the mobile phone has evolved tremendously. And there are phones of varying designs, colours, shapes and sizes. So many choices! Having plenty of choices is a good thing. But what do you look for in a mobile phone? Do you want a nice-looking phone or a feature-packed phone?Some look at design while others look at features and their bank account balance, credit card or easy payment plan options. Some want a music player in their phone while others want a camera.Eventually, we all will come up with a phone that we’re willing to buy, but it’s hard to find that ultimate ideal phone, one that offers that perfect blend of form, functionality and pricing. It’s always one or the other. A phone with all the features may not be in that slim, cool and sleek feature; a phone that looks cool and sleek may not have all the features. Or if there is that perfect blend of form and function, the phone may not be within your price range!But this doesn’t mean that there are many people who aren’t satisfied with their mobile phone. Still, it’s important to know what you’re looking for in a mobile phone, how you’ll be using it, and what price you’re willing to pay for it. It may not be the perfect phone, but if it has most of the criteria that you’ve set, your purchase should be a satisfactory one.Personally, there are three basic criteria that I look for in a mobile phone – features, price and design. I have a list of things that I know I want to do on a mobile phone, so picking a phone based on this list makes it easier. I know that I want a phone that’s an extension of my computer but not a desktop replacement.Fortunately, it has come to that point in time when a mobile phone can become an extension of my online life. For example, e-mailing and chatting are available and Web browsing is possible, if not perfect. I would like a phone that’s easy to carry around.As for price, eventually I’d have save up enough money to be able to buy it. And that’s usually when a newer phone with better features and a higher price tag becomes available. Of course, that would then be the phone that I now want!

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