Dedicated to information regarding PDA products, Mobile Applications, RFID, etc
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Airfreight forwarders plan boycott over RFID impasse
The new system, undertaken by the Royal Malaysian Customs and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to enhance container security, has hit a snag with association Airfreight Forwarders of Malaysia (AFAM) calling upon its members not to sign up for the new system until negotiations with project vendor Smartag Solutions Bhd are resolved.
“You may proceed with the rollout of the RFID tags but without the signing of the ‘new’ version of the agreement,” according to a letter from AFAM to Smartag, obtained by The Malaysian Reserve.
It is understood that AFAM decided on the boycott as Smartag had allegedly ignored feedback the airfreight forwarders made through the industry body.
“Smartag is high-handed and arrogant. In the agreement, they can do whatever they want, and terminate an agreement whenever they want,” said AFAM chairman Walter Cullas.
AFAM had also questioned the need for the RM2,000 deposit to Smartag. With some 3,000 members, this would come up to RM6 million.
In his response to The Malaysian Reserve, Smartag chief executive officer Lim Peong Keong said the company was fully aware of the “teething problems” of the system’s implementation.
“The user agreement was drafted taking into consideration the terms and conditions of the main agreement with Customs and the need to protect some of the costly hardware against willful damage by users,” he said.
Lim added that the company is gathering feedback from users and plans to engage all related parties to resolve the matter.
“Objections on the terms and conditions of user agreement are understandable and there're still room for further discussion,” he said.
Smartag is a track and trace solution provider that utilises RFID and other wireless technologies.
Smartag’s RFID logistics and transportation solutions is able to be deployed in warehouses, ports, airports, dist ribut ion cent res and stores, according to the company's website.
Smartag’s RFID solutions utilise RFID technologies to increase the quality, speed, and accuracy of data that accompanies each package, pallet or container, it added.
On the potential impact with the delay, Lim said that while "Smartag would like to see revenue flowing in from the RFID system", it would not disrupt its cashflow as it has other usage for the system.
“Smartag is positive that the issues can be resolved in due course and that all related parties are working hard to ensure successful implementation of the system, which is part of the government's Economic Transformation Programme,” he said.
UHF Regulations 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
We combine the versatility of our electric mobile shelving system for light loads with security and ease of use provided by RFID technology (radio-frequency identification). This way, we offer a new and efficient solution for offices, workshops and archives.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The device, which is called the Alzheimer's real time location system, could help care-givers monitor the patients remotely in real time. “You can study the patient's behavior and take appropriate actions, for example, if he eats up to 22 times or spends too long in the toilet,” said researcher Assoc Dr Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff at UPM here Wednesday. Looks like active WiFi system to me.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
After commotion last week as angry Malaysian traders against the use of RFID to export Bird's nest to China... wonder what will be the result? Bird’s nest prices had also dropped from RM4,000 per kg to just under RM2,000 in a year. Malaysian Federation of Bird’s Nest Traders Association secretary Carole Loh warned that the industry was “on the brink of collapse” unless it received help soon
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
RFID in Halal food
This study is focused on validating Halal status for food products by using radio frequency identification technology to enhance existing methods in Malaysia. A preliminary survey was carried out to evaluate the industry’s readiness to implement radio frequency identification technology in Malaysia.
A process model and prototype were developed to enhance existing systems. Through this new approach, the authentic Halal logo that is issued by JAKIM can easily be validated, because every stamp that will be embedded into food packages is identified with its own unique identification number.
An radio frequency identification reader will be placed in retail venues for consumers to validate their food’s Halal status. User evaluation has been conducted to measure satisfaction in terms of usability, efficiency, security, affordability and profitability. Based on the evaluation, all respondents are satisfied with the performance of this new technology and fully support implementing this system globally, as the Malaysian government is now moving towards becoming the world’s Halal hub.
Bird Nest tracking in Malaysia using RFID

Federation of Malaysian Bird’s Nest Merchants Association is seeking the support and assistance from the government, namely the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry to look into any feasible way to solve the current crisis. A Government-to-Government (G2G) approach to deal with the current issue raised by China pertaining to the nitrite content in our EBN exporting to China.
Swiftlet Eco Park Group of Companies involves only in house nest. Neither red EBN nor cave nest. We are practising comprehensive and professional standards in all our research & development (R&D) as well as adopting the highest international standards of cleaning and processing EBN by nano bubble technology, so as to achieve international food safety standards.
In addition, we fully agree with the initiative of traceability system implemented by our Government to encourage food safety tracking system, enhance automation in collection and processing centre, and also our effort in realising the utilization of Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) technology, in tracing the origin of bird's nest, thus enable our EBN to command a higher value in the international market. Our clients will have peace of mind by consuming our products.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sanofi Pasteur launches 2D bar coding for pediatrics

There is a clear need for a system to record product information with a higher level of speed and accuracy, and we aim to address this need with the 2D bar-code technology on our vaccines," says Chad Hoover, vice president, Chief Commercial Officer, Sanofi Pasteur U.S. "As an industry leader and healthcare partner, Sanofi Pasteur is pleased to be the first vaccine manufacturer to bring this innovative technology to providers offices."
It will capture more product information in a simple two-dimensional (2D) scan--including lot numbers and expiration dates. Wonder when Malaysia will start the 2D barcode...
GSC cinema has gone 2D

GSC launched a mobile application – GSC Mobile App (iPhone) in May 2011, which enables movie-goers to purchase via m2u mobile or PayPal account on their iPhones and scan 2D barcode via the phone at cinema checkpoints. Android app also just launch.
Pricing for RFID labels
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